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Payvandlash roliklari payvandlash jarayonida bosimni qo'llash bilan to'ldiriladi. Most pressure welding methods such as diffusion welding, high-frequency welding, cold pressure welding, etc., have no melting process, so there is no favorable alloying element burn like fusion welding, and harmful elements invade the weld, and the welding roller frame Keyin payvandlash jarayonini soddalashtiradi, ammo payvandlashning sog'liqni saqlash sharoitini ham o'zgartiradi.
Welding roller frame is a kind of welding equipment, in detail is a kind of welding roller frame, often used for the welding of the circular seam and the longitudinal seam inside the cylinder workpiece. Shu jumladan, bazasi, avtomatik rolikli, boshqariladigan rulon, qavs, uzatish moslamasi, quvvat qurilmasi va boshqalar. The transmission device drives the automatic roller, and the friction between the automatic roller and the cylinder workpiece drives the workpiece to rotate and complete the displacement, which can complete the horizontal orientation welding of the ring seam and the longitudinal seam of the workpiece. The matching automatic welding equipment can complete the automatic welding, which can greatly increase the quality of the weld, reduce labor intensity and increase work efficiency. Payvandlash roliklari birgalikda payvandlash uchun yoki silindr tana qismlarini aniqlash va o'rnatish uchun qurilma sifatida ham ishlatilishi mumkin.
Tegishli mahsulotlar
O'tish vaqti: sep-14-2023